I'm never good at these "about me" things. Obviously, I love to read. I love books in general; it saddens me that print will one day be obsolete, because there is absolutely nothing better than holding a book in your hands. Other than that, there really isn't anything to say that pertains to this blog, so instead here are some random things about me:
* I'm an aspiring writer; I have wanted to be a writer since I was 12 years old. I am currently writing my first, and hopefully not last, novel.
* I love coffee and tea. I have an entire drawer in my kitchen dedicated to my tea addiction.
* My favourite books are "The Last Concubine" by Lesley Downer, "Snow Flower & the Secret Fan" by Lisa See, & "The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audrey Niffinegger.
* I am really interested in family history and genealogy. I think it's important to learn where you came from, and the many people over the generations who contributed to making you who you are.
* I love old black and white photos.
* I love, and have tattoos, and want many more.
* I also love geisha, and various other aspects of Japanese culture, but I hate sushi and sake.
* I wear glasses.
* I have three cats, a beagle, and a husband.
* My favourite song ever is "November Rain" by Guns n Roses; I've been in love with Slash since I was a little girl. As far as I'm concerned, there is no Guns n Roses without him.
* My favourite music artist is PJ Harvey.
* I will never, ever get sick of watching Dirty Dancing.
* My hair has, either fully or partially, been every colour of the rainbow at some point. Sometimes purposely, sometimes not. I haven't seen my own natural hair colour, aside from my roots, since I was 12.
* Gilmore Girls is the best TV show ever; I have seen every episode at least 10 times, and like Dirty Dancing, I will never, ever get sick of watching it.
* I have always been fascinated by people who have disappeared, and true crime stories. I write true crime articles on the internet under the pseudonym "Antonia Monacelli".